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                           7MAY• 24th Queens Boulevard• 25th Queens Boulevard• 26th The Mixtapes• 27th James Clay & The Hired Guns• 29th Marcus Words• 30th The Nobodies• 31st Chuck BrisenoJUNE• 1st Machine Gun Symphony• 2nd Marcus Words• 3rd James Clay• 5th Phillip Twitchell• 6th Whiskey Trio• 7th Soul Root• 8th Black Top South• 9th Dakota Livingston• 10th James Clay• 12th Marcus Words• 13th Chuck Briseno• 14th Brock Wade Band• 15th Chubby Carrier & The Bayou Swamp Band• 16th Thursday’s Child• 17th James Clay• 19th Marcus Words• 20th The Nobodies• 21st Trixie Delight• 22nd Trixie Delight• 23rd Marcus Words• 24th James Clay• 26th Marcus Words• 27th Phat Mike and The Bartenders• 28th Machine Gun Symphony• 29th Machine Gun Symphony• 30th TBDJULY• 1st James Clay & The Hired Guns• 3rd Yeah Buoy • 4th Chuck Briseno• 5th Machine Gun Symphony• 6th Sound the Alarm• 7th The Nobodies• 8th James Clay• 10th Marcus Words• 11th Phat Mike & The Bartenders• 12th Queens Boulevard• 13th Queens Boulevard• 14th Whiskey Trio• 15th James Clay• 17th Kalani• 18th Phat Mike & The Bartenders• 19th The Zeros • 20th The Zeros• 21st Zach Simpson• 22nd James Clay• 24th Marcus Words• 25th The Nobodies• 26th Trixie Delight• 27th Trixie Delight• 28th Dakota Livingston• 29th James Clay• 31st Marcus WordsAUGUST• 1st Phat Mike & The Bartenders• 2nd Griffi n and the Gargoyles• 3rd Brock Wade Band• 4th Marcus Words• 5th James Clay• 7th Phillip Twitchell• 8th Phat Mike & The Bartenders• 9th The Zeros• 10th The Zeros• 11th Whiskey Trio• 12th James Clay• 14th Marcus Words• 15th The Nobodies• 16th Phat Mike & The Bartenders• 17th Machine Gun Symphony• 18th Marcus Words• 19th James Clay• 21st Marcus Words• 22nd Phat Mike & The Bartenders• 23rd The Juice• 24th Chuck Briseno Band• 25th Dakota Livingston• 26th James Clay• 28th Marcus Words• 29th Phat Mike & The Bartenders• 30th Queens Boulevard• 31st Queens BoulevardSEPTEMBER • 1st Griffi n and the Gargoyles• 2nd James Clay and The Hired Guns• 5th The Nobodies• 6th Grant Britton Band• 7th Phat Mike & The Bartenders• 8th Marcus Words• 12th Thursday’s Child• 13th The Nobodies• 14th Kirk Brown Blues Band (12:30-4:30)  Chuck Briseno (5-9)• 15th Dakota Livingston (12:30-4:30) Marcus Words (5-9)• 19th Marcus Words• 20th Zach Simpson• 21st Thursday’s Child• 22nd Kalani• 27th Marcus Words• 28th Whiskey Trio• 29th Roy Elliott UnpluggedOCTOBER • 3rd Marcus Words• 4th Yeah Buoy• 5th Kirk Brown Blues Band• 6th Dakota Livingston• 10th TBD• 11th Marcus Words• 12th Thursday’s Child (12:30-4:30) The Nobodies (5-9)• 13th Kirk Brown Blues Band• 17th Roy Elliott Unplugged• 18th Dakota Livingston• 19th Kalani• 26th Zach Simpson2024 LIVE MUSIC & ENTERTAINMENT SCHEDULEAN ECLECTIC BLEND OF FOOD, DRINK, SWIMMING, & ENTERTAINMENTLIVE LAKEFRONT MUSIC AT LAKE OF THE OZARKS!7
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